There are many different outlooks one can take on history. Fortunately for us, many have put down in words their thoughts and feelings about Candian history. One of my favourites, Jan Noel, uses expressive writing to unlock women’s history in Pre-Confederation Canada. The Indigenous French relations link can provide more of an understanding of their relationships. And lastly, “Does My Brown Skin Make Me Less Canadian?” may not necessarily be about pre-confederation Canda, but it shows that there are still social issues about race, religion, and ethnicity as there was back in the 16, 17, and 18 hundreds. Each of these academic essays and articles is thought-provoking and they allow you to develop your own understanding of Canada, past and present.

Les Femmes Favorisees by Jan Noel

Nagging Wife by Jan Noel

Indigenous-French Relations 

Does My Brown Skin Make Me Less Canadain?